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subsequent development中文是什么意思

用"subsequent development"造句"subsequent development"怎么读"subsequent development" in a sentence


  • 后续开发


  • This is a most useful form of the harmonic oscillator hamiltonian and it will be encountered in several subsequent developments .
  • Management issues that affect subsequent development and transition activities are also identified
  • In subsequent developments of this work , sir james mirrlees has set up criteria for evaluating projects based on the desirability of efficiency in production
  • And the share of main business in total profit and its stability will have an impact on the stability of operating performance of a company and thus on its subsequent development
  • It was designed by the rubin central maritime design bureau , st petersburg . subsequent developments have led to the current production versions , the type 877ekm and most recently , the type 636
    “基洛”级潜艇是由著名的俄罗斯红宝石设计局设计的常规动力攻击型潜艇, 1990年开始装备前苏联海军。
  • The current governance structure of high - new technology firms has become the constraint of company ' s subsequent development , and it will cause that special human capital can not play the role effectively
  • Because subsequent development of culture - specific resources can require a significant amount of time , this allows you to release your main application first , and deliver culture - specific resources at a later date
  • In the forth chapter , we present the subsequent development of the renormalization group methods at the beginning . then based upon the electron - phonon model , we explain how to apply these methods to obtain the flow equations of the model
  • These critical factors have been given particular attention in the subsequent development and design of this kiln type , while maintaining the unique features of pfr - kiln principles , i . e . the parallel flow of material and combustion gases in the burning zone and the regenerative preheating of combustion air
用"subsequent development"造句  
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